father's help

Father’s Help by R. K. Narayan – Additional Short Answer Type Questions and Answers (S.A.Q.)

R.K. Narayan’s Father’s Help is a captivating short story that explores the amusing yet relatable struggles of a schoolboy, Swami, as he tries to escape a school day with a fabricated excuse. The story humorously unfolds as his father insists on sending a letter to the headmaster, leading to unexpected outcomes. In the following sections, you will find a dozen of short answer type questions to test your understanding of the story. Additionally, all answers are provided followed by the questions to eliminate any confusion.

Short Answer Type Questions from Father’s Help by R. K. Narayan

  1. Q: Why did Swami not want to go to school on Monday?
  2. Q: How did Swami’s mother react to his headache?
  3. Q: What was Swami’s father’s reaction when Swami said he had a headache?
  4. Q: Why was Swami afraid of Samuel?
  5. Q: What did Swami’s father decide to do after hearing about Samuel?
  6. Q: How did Swami feel after his father wrote the letter?
  7. Q: What did Swami decide about delivering the letter?
  8. Q: How did Samuel react when Swami came late to class?
  9. Q: How did Samuel behave in class that day?
  10. Q: Why couldn’t Swami deliver the letter to the headmaster?
  11. Q: What did Swami’s father do when he returned home with the letter?
  12. Q: How did Swami feel about Samuel by the end of the day?

father's help


  1. A: Swami did not want to go to school because he felt it was Monday too soon and pretended to have a headache.
  2. A: Swami’s mother generously suggested that he might stay at home.
  3. A: Swami’s father dismissed his excuse, asked him to get dressed, and insisted that he go to school.
  4. A: Swami claimed that Samuel was a very angry man, especially towards students who came late.
  5. A: Swami’s father decided to write a letter to the headmaster complaining about Samuel.
  6. A: Swami felt guilty and unsure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.
  7. A: He decided to give the letter at the end of the day, hoping Samuel would justify the complaints.
  8. A: Samuel simply asked why he came late and was impressed when Swami said his father told him not to miss school.
  9. A: Contrary to Swami’s expectations, Samuel was very gentle and understanding.
  10. A: The headmaster was on a week’s leave, and his office was locked.
  11. A: His father snatched the letter from him, tore it up, and told Swami not to ask for help if Samuel scolded him again.
  12. A: Swami felt that Samuel was a good and kind teacher who did not deserve the complaints written in the letter.

Written by Amlan Das Karmakar

Amlan Das Karmakar, aka Phoenix (https://itsamlan.com) is a professional Web Developer and Designer and Linux System Administrator. He has expertise in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (latest ECMA), PWA Development, PHP, Node.JS, Python, Bash Scripting, NGiNX Server, REST API, MySQL Database, MongoDB Database, GIT Version Control System, Bind9 DNS Server, CoTURN Signalling Server, WebRTC, FFMPEG, RTMP, HLS, MPEG DASH, Bubblewrap, TWA Development, Apache Cordova, ElectronJS based multi-platform Software Development. He has expertise in handling both Debian-based Linux Distributions like Ubuntu 22.04 and Fedora-based Linux Distributions like CentOS 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. He was also listed in Google Hall of Fame in 2017 (https://bughunters.google.com/profile/e755e2c0-235d-41b6-893b-d64486bb771f/awards). He is the Co-founder of Bengal Web Solution (https://bengalwebsolution.com) and has been working there as the Head, Dept. of Web and App Development, AI and ML Deployment since 2011. In StackOverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/users/3195021/phoenix), he has 2626 Reputation, 4 Gold Badges, 16 Silver Badges and 20 Bronze Badges as of 19th Feb. 2023, 5:30pm (GMT +5:30). He completed his Masters in English from the Vidyasagar University and ranked among the toppers with 1st class. He graduated from The University of Burdwan with English (Hons.) earlier in 2017.


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