Meeting at Night by Robert Browning

“Meeting at Night” By Robert Browning (L.A.Q.) Long Questions and Answers, Class XI, WBCHSE

Meeting at Night by Robert Browning LAQ

Meeting at Night Long Questions and Answers

Meeting at Night by Robert Browning
Meeting at Night

Meeting at Night LAQ

1.What does the speaker observe in the course of his journey to the farmhouse in the poem, “Meeting at Night”? What does he do as reaches the farmhouse? [3+2 = 5] [Class 11 Annual Exam 2014]

Ans. In the poem “Meeting at Night” by Robert Browning, the speaker observes several things during his journey to the farmhouse. When he travels by boat along the sea, he observes the grey sea, long black land, and the yellow half-moon which was large and low in the sky. The waves look like fiery ringlets. He also felt the warm sea-scented beach.

When the speaker finally reaches the farmhouse, he taps on the window pane. The beloved signals her presence by lighting a match. Then the two lovers exchange words secretly.

2.Justify the title of the poem “Meeting at Night.” [5] [Class 11 Annual Exam 2015, 2018]

Ans. “Meeting at Night” by Robert Browning is a poem that tells the story of a man travelling by boat to meet his beloved at night. The title sets the tone of the poem, creating a sense of mystery and anticipation. It highlights the secretive nature of the meeting that it takes place under the cover of darkness. Overcoming all obstacles, the lover undertakes a journey through the grey sea. Then he walks a mile of warm sea-scented beach and crosses three fields. At last, he reaches his destination, a farmhouse where his ladylove lives. The two lovers meet one another in secret. This creates a feeling of intimacy and makes the meeting seem all the more special. The title also suggests the theme of longing and desire, as the speaker travels great distances to be with his lover. The meeting at night symbolizes the fleeting moments of happiness and passion that the speaker experiences with his lover.

3.Evaluate ‘Meeting at Night’ as a love poem.[5] [Class 11 Annual Exam 2016]

Ans. “Meeting at Night” by Robert Browning is a powerful love poem that explores the themes of passion, longing, and desire. The poem tells the story of a man traveling by boat to meet his beloved at night, and the journey itself serves as a metaphor for the journey of love. His person is emphasized by the yellow half-moon, fiery ringlets, startled waves, and slushy sands. Then he walks a mile on the sea-scented beach and crosses three fields. At last, he reaches the farmhouse where his beloved lives. He taps the window and the beloved responds to him by scratching a match. Finally, they meet and enjoy the pleasure of meeting. Their hearts beat loudly. Overall, “Meeting at Night” is a powerful love poem that explores the themes of passion, longing, and desire in a lyrical and evocative manner.

4.Give an account of the lover’s journey to his beloved in ‘Meeting at Night’.[5] [Class 11 Annual Exam 2017]

Ans. “Meeting at Night” is a poem by Robert Browning that tells the story of a lover’s journey to meet his beloved. The speaker sets out at night and travels through a dark and desolate landscape. He journeys on a boat along the grey sea. The land is long and black. He looks at the yellow half-moon which is large and low. With the movement of the boat, the previously sleeping waves now erupt in fiery ringlets. As soon as he arrives to the cove, he anchors the boat in the slushy sand. Then he walks a mile along the warm, sea-scented beach. Finally, after crossing three fields, he arrives at the farmhouse where his beloved lives. Thus, the two lovers meet secretly.

5. “And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears, than the two hearts beating each to each!” – Whose voice is referred to here? Why is the voice full of joy and fear? Describe the meeting. [1+2+2 = 5] [Class 11 Annual Exam 2019, 2020 ]

Ans: In Robert Browning’s “Meeting at Night”, the Ladylove’s low voice is referred to.

The voice is full of joy and excitement because the two lovers’ longing to meet each other is finally achieved. Again, the ladylove’s voice is full of fear because they are meeting secretly and they are worried about identified or caught.

After a long journey by boat and overcoming obstacles, the e lover arrives at his destination, a farmhouse where his ladylove lives. He taps on the window pane. His ladylove, who had been waiting for him, signals him by scratching a match. Finally, they meet secretly and enjoy each other’s company. Their heartbeats sound louder than their words.

6.How does Browning use images and symbols in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’. [5] [Class 11 Annual Exam 2022, 2023]

Ans. In “Meeting at Night,” Robert Browning uses vivid images and symbols to convey the themes of love, determination, and the beauty of nature.

Visual images like ‘grey sea’, ‘black long land’, ‘yellow half-moon’, ‘startle little waves’, ‘blue spurt of a lighted match’ etc. are used by the poet. These symbols serve to emphasize the beauty of the night and to suggest that even in the darkness, there is still hope and beauty to be found. ‘Slushy sand’ is an example of a tactile image and ‘warm sea-scented beach’ as an olfactory image.

The phrases ‘tap at the pane’, ‘sharp scratch’, ‘hearts beating’ etc. evoke aural images in our minds. These indicate the accomplishment of their desires.

7. “As I gain the cove with pushing prow / and quench its speed in the slushy sand” – What is a cove? What do you mean by “quench its speed”?

Ans: A cove is an inlet, a sheltered spot on the beach. It suggests that the narrator has arrived at the coast.

The word ‘quench’ refers to the act of stopping something through satisfaction. Here ‘its’ refers to the boat. The boat hits the shore forcefully and thereby slows down, finally stopping. Symbolically, we can also say that the boat arriving at land quenches the poet’s thirst to see his sweetheart. These lines clearly shows what the speaker actually feels.

Read More:

Class XI English Questions and Answers.

Meeting at Night Questions and Answers.

Meeting at Night SAQ.

Meeting at Night MCQ.


Written by Koushik Kumar Kundu

Koushik Kumar Kundu was among the toppers when he completed his Masters from Vidyasagar University after completing his Bachelors degree with Honours in English Literature from The University of Burdwan. He also completed B.Ed from the University of Burdwan.



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