The Eyes Have It Questions and Answers, The Eyes Have It by Ruskin Bond, The Eyes Have It LAQ, The Eyes Have It SAQ

“The Eyes Have It” Long Questions and Answers (L.A.Q) by Ruskin Bond, Class XII, WBCHSE

The Eyes Have It Questions and Answers • The Eyes Have It Long Questions and Answers

The Eyes Have It LAQ

The Eyes Have It by Ruskin Bond

The Eyes Have It Questions and Answers, The Eyes Have It by Ruskin Bond, The Eyes Have It LAQ, The Eyes Have It SAQ

(1) “Then I made a mistake.” – What ‘mistake’ did the speaker make? Why was it a mistake? What removed the speaker’s doubts? What did the speaker do then? [1+2+1+2] [H.S. 2017]

Ans. The narrator of the story “The Eyes Have It” made a mistake by asking the girl what it was like outside.

The narrator was blind but he was hiding his blindness from the girl. It was a mistake because a normal man with eyesight does not ask such a question and the girl might realise that he was blind.

The speaker’s doubt was removed when the girl asked him to look out of the window and see for himself.

The speaker then moved along the birth and felt for the window ledge. He faced the window and pretended to study the landscape.

(2) “She would forget our brief encounter.” – Who said this about whom? What is the ‘brief encounter’ referred to here? Why did the speaker think so? [2+2+2] [H.S. 2016]

Ans. The narrator in Ruskin Bond’s story ‘The Eyes Have It’ said this about the girl who was his co-passenger during the train journey from Rohana to Saharanpur.

While travelling in a train, the narrator met a girl in the compartment. Both the narrator and the girl talked about many things concealing their blindness. So, the ‘brief encounter’ refers to the short meeting between the narrator and the girl during the train journey from Rohana to Saharanpur.

It is natural. We do not remember such casual meetings with strangers. Besides, unlike the narrator she did not show any romantic feeling for him. So the narrator thought that this ‘brief encounter’ did not have any impact in her mind and she would forget this soon.

(3) “I am tired of people telling me I have a pretty face.” – Who said this, to whom, and when? What did the person spoken to reply? [ 1+1+2+2] [H.S. 2015, 2016, 2022]

Ans. The blind girl in Ruskin Bond’s “The Eyes Have It” said this to the narrator.

During their conversation, the narrator told the girl that she had an interesting face. On hearing this compliment, the girl made this comment.

The narrator was very curious about her looks. He expressed his assumption that she would have a pretty face. When he was confirmed that the girl was beautiful, he replied that an interesting face could also be pretty.

(4) “She was an interesting girl.” – Who said this, to whom, and when? What else did the person say? What reply did he get? [3+1+2] [H.S. 2018]

Ans. The narrator of “The Eyes Have It” said this to a man who had entered the train compartment when he commented that he was not as attractive a travelling companion as the one who had just left.

The narrator asked the new passenger if the girl’s hair was long or short.

The new passenger replied that he had not noticed her hair, but only her eyes. She had beautiful eyes but they were of no use because she was completely blind.

(5) “The girl got up and began to collect her things.” – Who is the girl? When did she get up? Why did she collect her things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl? [1+1+1+3] [H.S. 2019, 2022]

Ans. The girl is the co-passenger of the narrator in the train in Ruskin Bond’s story “The Eyes Have It”.

She got up when the train slowed down near the Saharanpur station.

She got up to collect her things because she would get down at Saharanpur station.

The speaker had thought that as soon as the girl left the train, she would forget their brief encounter because she was not interested in him. But it would stay with the speaker for the rest of the journey and even sometime after.

(6) Bring out the significance of the title of the story “The Eyes Have It.” [6]

Ans: Ruskin Bond’s short story “The Eyes Have it” is the story of two blind persons that takes place in a train compartment. The narrator of the story was completely blind but tried to hide his blindness while interacting with the girl in the train compartment. The girl was also blind. Throughout their journey, they talked so skillfully that none of them suspected anything. The title is indicative that they have eyes, though in reality they have not. People with good eye-sight often overlook what is in front of them. In the story, loss of vision was not a hindrance to them. They were completely aware of their surroundings. They have the sight of their inner eyes. The story has shown the blessing of vision from different perspectives. So the title of the story is enough suggestive, significant and appropriate.

(7) “Few girls can resist flattery” – Who said this? What was the flattery? What was the reaction of the spoken one? [1+2+3]

Ans. The narrator of the story “The Eyes Have It” said this.

The narrator said that the girl had an interesting face. This remark was flattery.

At this compliment, the girl laughed pleasantly. It was a clear ringing laugh. She told the narrator that it was nice to hear it. She further added that she was tired of people telling her that she had a pretty face.

(8) “Yes this is the best time.” – Who said this and to whom? What was the occasion of the remark? Why according to the narrator is this the best time? [1+2+3]

Ans. The narrator of the story, ’The Eyes Have It’, said this to the girl, his co-passenger in the train.

The girl asked the narrator where he was going. The narrator replied that he was going to Dehra and then to Mussoorie. The girl told that she also desired to go to the hills in October and she also exclaimed he was very lucky. Then the narrator remarked this quoted line.

October is the best time to visit Mussoorie because the hills are covered with wild dahlias. The sun is delicious and at night one could sit in front of a log fire and enjoy a little brandy. The roads are quiet and almost deserted as most of the tourists had left the place.


Read More:

The Eyes Have It SAQ Short Answer Type Questions and Answers

Class 12 Chapter Wise Questions and Answers from PROSE

Class 12 Chapter Wise Questions and Answers from POETRY


Written by Koushik Kumar Kundu

Koushik Kumar Kundu was among the toppers when he completed his Masters from Vidyasagar University after completing his Bachelors degree with Honours in English Literature from The University of Burdwan. He also completed B.Ed from the University of Burdwan.


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