My Last Duchess by Robert Browning

The Use of Dramatic Monologue in My Last Duchess

Analyze the use of dramatic monologue in “My Last Duchess.” How does this form allow the Duke to shape the narrative and control the reader’s perception of events?

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, Dramatic Monologue in My Last Duchess,

The Use of Dramatic Monologue in My Last Duchess by Robert Browning


“My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning is a renowned dramatic monologue that delves into the complex psyche of the Duke of Ferrara as he discusses his late wife, the Duchess. Through the use of the dramatic monologue form, Browning allows the Duke to shape the narrative and exert control over the reader’s perception of events. This essay will analyze the use of the dramatic monologue in “My Last Duchess,” exploring how this form enables the Duke to present his perspective, manipulate the reader’s understanding, and showcase his power dynamics and psychological complexities.

I. The Dramatic Monologue Form:

The dramatic monologue is a poetic form that involves a single character speaking directly to an implied or silent audience. The speaker reveals their thoughts, emotions, and motivations, offering a glimpse into their inner world. Browning employs this form in “My Last Duchess” to present the Duke’s viewpoint and provide insight into his personality.

  1. The Unreliable Narrator:

One of the significant features of the dramatic monologue is the potential for an unreliable narrator. The reader must critically assess the narrator’s words and discern the gaps, contradictions, and biases in their account. In “My Last Duchess,” the Duke emerges as an unreliable narrator, as he carefully crafts his narrative to suit his own agenda.

  1. The Implicit Listener:

The dramatic monologue assumes the presence of an implied listener who remains silent throughout the discourse. This silent listener’s reactions, questions, and thoughts are left to the reader’s imagination. By withholding the listener’s responses, Browning allows the Duke to control the flow of information and manipulate the reader’s understanding of events.

II. The Duke’s Control over Narrative:

Through the use of the dramatic monologue form, Browning grants the Duke significant control over the narrative, enabling him to shape the reader’s perception of events.

  1. Selective Disclosure of Information:

The Duke carefully selects what information to share, omitting crucial details that might challenge his perspective. He controls the flow of information, strategically revealing only what serves his purpose. For example, the Duke mentions the Duchess’s flirtatious behavior and his displeasure with it but avoids providing specific details or context. This deliberate omission allows him to shape the reader’s perception of the Duchess and manipulate sympathy or judgment towards her.

  1. Implicit Dialogue and Unanswered Questions:

The Duke’s monologue is filled with implicit dialogue and unanswered questions. He hints at the presence of an interlocutor, responding to imagined queries or objections. By skillfully integrating these implied dialogues, Browning adds depth to the narrative and heightens the reader’s curiosity. The unanswered questions contribute to the Duke’s control over the narrative, as he directs the conversation towards topics of his choosing, disregarding potential challenges to his account.

III. Portrayal of Power Dynamics:

The dramatic monologue form in “My Last Duchess” allows Browning to explore power dynamics and highlight the Duke’s sense of entitlement and control.

  1. Monopolization of Speech:

As the sole speaker in the dramatic monologue, the Duke monopolizes the discourse, denying his late wife a voice. This absence of the Duchess’s perspective accentuates the power imbalance within the relationship and emphasizes the Duke’s dominance. The reader is left to piece together the Duchess’s character solely through the Duke’s biased account.

  1. The Duke’s Language and Tone:

The Duke’s language and tone in the monologue further illuminate his power dynamics. He uses formal and elaborate language, employing a condescending and possessive tone when discussing the Duchess. This linguistic choice showcases the Duke’s inflated sense of superiority and his desire to assert control over the narrative. His language acts as a tool to diminish the Duchess’s agency and establish his authority.

IV. Psychological Complexities:

The dramatic monologue form provides insight into the Duke’s psychological complexities, allowing the reader to observe his narcissism, jealousy, and desire for control.

  1. Unveiling the Duke’s Ego:

Through the monologue, the reader gains access to the Duke’s egocentric worldview. He sees the Duchess as an object to be possessed, controlled, and displayed as a symbol of his wealth and social status. The Duke’s excessive pride and self-centeredness are evident in his obsession with the painting of the Duchess and his desire for complete dominance over her.

  1. The Mask of Rationality:

The Duke presents himself as a rational and composed individual throughout the monologue, carefully concealing his inner emotions. However, glimpses of his underlying emotions and insecurities emerge, revealing his jealousy and possessiveness. The dramatic monologue form allows the reader to witness the Duke’s psychological complexities beneath his composed facade.

V. Reader’s Interpretive Role:

The use of the dramatic monologue form in “My Last Duchess” places a significant interpretive burden on the reader. Browning invites readers to critically engage with the text, unravel the Duke’s narrative, and discern the underlying truths.

  1. Analyzing the Gaps and Contradictions:

As an unreliable narrator, the Duke leaves gaps and contradictions within his account. The reader must navigate these inconsistencies and identify the underlying motivations and biases behind the Duke’s words. Close scrutiny of the monologue allows readers to challenge the Duke’s narrative and form their own interpretations.

  1. Implications of the Silent Listener:

The silent listener in the dramatic monologue invites the reader to imagine their role and reactions. This imaginative participation creates an interactive reading experience, as readers must consider the impact of the Duke’s words on the silent listener. By engaging in this interpretive process, readers actively shape their understanding of events and the Duke’s character.


In “My Last Duchess,” Robert Browning masterfully employs the dramatic monologue form to allow the Duke to shape the narrative and control the reader’s perception of events. The form enables the Duke to selectively disclose information, manipulate the reader’s sympathies, and assert his power dynamics. Through the monologue, Browning offers insight into the Duke’s psychological complexities, unveiling his narcissism, jealousy, and desire for control. The reader’s interpretive role is crucial, as they analyze gaps, contradictions, and the implications of the silent listener. Ultimately, the use of the dramatic monologue in “My Last Duchess” presents a compelling exploration of power dynamics, psychological complexities, and the nuanced understanding of the Duke’s character.


Read More:

Questioms and Answers from My Last Dutchess by Robert Browning


Written by Koushik Kumar Kundu

Koushik Kumar Kundu was among the toppers when he completed his Masters from Vidyasagar University after completing his Bachelors degree with Honours in English Literature from The University of Burdwan. He also completed B.Ed from the University of Burdwan.


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