“Composed upon Westminster Bridge” (MCQ) Questions and Answers, Class XI, WBCHSE
Composed upon Westminster Bridge MCQ Questions and Answers for Class XI

- “Upon Westminster Bridge’ is written by
(i) William H. Davies
(ii) Octavio Paz
(iii) William Wordsworth
(iv) William Blake.
Ans. (iii)
- Upon Westminster Bridge’ was composed on-
[Muralidhar Girls’ school ’17]
(i) September 3, 1802
(iii) September 3, 1803
(ii) September 13, 1802
(iv) September 3, 1801.
Ans. (iii)
Read More: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge LAQ
- William Wordsworth uses in the poem ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802-
[Krishnagar Collegiate School ’17]
(i) the Shakespeare an sonnet form
(ii) the Italian sonnet form
(iii) the European sonnet form
(iv) the American sonnet form.
Ans. (ii)
- ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ is a –
[WBCHSE (XI)-2016]
(i) sonnet
(ii) ballad
(iii) ode
(iv) lyric.
Ans. (i)
- In ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’, the poet views the city-
[WBCHSE (XI)-2019, 2015]
(i) in the morning
(ii) at noon
(iii) in the evening
(iv) at night.
Ans. (i)
- The poet sees London as-
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(i) part of Nature
(ii) the nerve-centre of commerce
(iii) alienated from Nature
(iv) isolated.
Ans. (i)
- “Earth has not anything to show more fair” than
(i) the Westminster Bridge
(ii) London
(iii) the open skies
(iv) heaven.
Ans. (ii)
- The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the London morning is
[WBCHSE (XI)-2014]
(i) dull
(ii) innovative
(iii) imaginative
(iv) busy.
Ans. (i)
- “Dull would he be of soul.” Here ‘dull’ means-
[Jadavpur Vidyapith ’17]
(i) boring
(ii) unintelligent
(iii) insensitive
(iv) monotonous.
Ans. (iii)
- “A sight so touching”-It is described so as-
[RK Mission Boys Home High School, Rahara 17]
(i) the sight can be touched
(ii) the sight is tough
(iii) the sight touches one’s heart
(iv) none of these.
Ans. (iii)
- How does the poet refer to the Sun and The river in the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’?
[Chinsurah Deshbandhu Memorial High School ’17]
(i) as phenomena
(ii) as element of nature
(iii) as animate beings
(iv)as gods.
Ans. (ii)
- The sight that Wordsworth saw appeared to him as-
[WBCHSE (XI)-2018]
(i) mysterious
(ii) magical
(iv) majestic.
Ans. (iv)
- In the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ the word ‘majesty’ means-
[Taki House Govt Spons Girls’ High School; WBCHSE (XI)-2022]
(i) royal power
(ii) impressive beauty
(iii) kingship
(iv) height.
Ans. (ii)
- Never did……………..more beautifully sleep.
(i) London
(ii) The Thames
(iii) Sun
(iv) The Earth.
Ans. (iii)
- The city wears the beauty of the morning like-
(i) a necklace
(ii) a temple
(iii) a garment
(iv) a tower.
Ans. (iii)
- This City now doth, like a garment, wear” – The word ‘garment’ refers to
[Dum Dum Rd Govt spons fligh School For Girls (HS) 17
(i) the city of London
(ii) the beauty of the morning
(ii) the fields
(iv) the ships and buildings.
Ans. (ii)
- The city of London has been compared to-
(i) a peaceful cathedral
(ii) a quiet village
(iii) a mighty heart
(iv) a sleeping beauty.
Ans. (iii)
- The beauty of the morning seemed
(i) silent
(ii) lonely.
(iii) smoky
(iv) soundless.
Ans. (iv)
- The poet was crossing the Westminster Bridge-
(i) in the afternoon
(ii) in the morning
(iii) in the evening
(iv) at night.
Ans. (ii)
- All the man-made structures are open
(i) under the sky
(ii) in polluted air
(iii) in the field
(iv) unto the fields and to the sky.
Ans. (iv)
- In the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ London’s view is –
[WBCHSE (XI)-2022)
(1) hazy
(ii) foggy
(iii) clear
(iv) cloudy.
Ans. (iii)
- In the Early morning the air of London is-
(i) foggy
(ii) full of smoke
(iii) polluted
(iv) smokeless.
Ans. (iii)
- In the poem Upon Westminster Bridge’ everything looks ‘bright and glittering’ because of the-
[Nirmal Hriday Ashram (Boys) 17]
(i) rain
(ii) fog
(iii) smokeless air
(iv) scorching heat of the sun.
Ans (iii)
- According to Wordsworth the sun steeped……….
[RK Mission Boys’ Home High School, Rahara 17]
(i) ships, towers and domes
(ii) river, bridge and temple
(iii) valley, rock and hill
(iv) sea, river and houses.
Ans (iii)
- “Open unto the fields, and to the sky”-Here the poet refers to-
[Bethune Collegiate School 17
(i) the countryside
(ii) a city
(iii) the earth
(iv) human soul.
Ans (iii)
26. The poet is particularly impressed by the
(i) calm and quiet atmosphere
(ii) first splendour of the sun
(iii) rock
(iv) smokeless air.
Ans (i)
- What is the feeling that the poet experiences that he has never experienced before?
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question
(i) the feeling of calm.
(ii) the feeling of ecstasy.
(iii) the feeling of joy.
(iv) the feeling of wonder.
Ans (i)
- The river glideth at its-
(i) free will
(ii) own sweet will
(iii) flow
(iv) fresh will.
Ans (ii)
- The river glideth at his own sweet will”. The expression “at his own sweet will” means
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(i) forcefully
(ii) hurriedly
(iii) in a leisurely way
(iv) in a way.
Ans (iii)
30 “The river glideth….” The river here refers to-
(i) the Ganga
(ii) the Thames
(iii) the Volga
(iv) the Nile.
Ans (ii)
- The river Thames flows –
(i) smoothly
(ii) noisily
(iii) swiftly
(iv) violently.
Ans (i)
- How does the poet refer to the sun and the river?
(i) as phenomena
(ii) as element of nature
(iii) as gods
(iv) as animate beings.
Ans (ii)
- The houses of the city-
(i) look smaller
(ii)seem asleep
(iii) look like heart
(iv) look gigantic.
Ans (ii)
- The poet salutes / prays for the beauty to
(i) heaven
(ii) dear God
(iii) his parents
(iv) his master.
Ans (ii)
- “Dear God!” -This is an exclamation of
[Hindu School ’17]
(i) fear
(ii) wonder
(iv) depression.
Ans (ii)
- The noisy city of London in this poem is described as
(i) a mighty heart
(ii) a dirty city
(iii) a heart
(iv) a city that hurts.
Ans (i)
- What, according to the poet, do the houses seem to be doing?
(i) sleeping
(ii) singing
(iv) brooding.
Ans (i)
- ‘The mighty heart’ refers to-
(i) god
(ii) the river
(iii) the field and the sky
(iv) the city of London.
Ans (iv)
- in the above poem the poet expresses that he had never experienced before such a-
[Begum Rokeya Smriti Balika Vidyalaya ’17]
(i) feeling of joy
(ii) feeling of awe
(iii) calm feeling
(iv) feeling of ecstasy.
Ans (iii)
- What is the object of the poet’s celebration?
(i) Nature
(ii) Earth
(iii) London
(iv) Britain.
Ans (iii)
- The ships and buildings are open to the-
[Contai High School (HS) ’17]
(i) fields of London and to the sky
(ii) valley rock or hill
(iii) the sun
(iv) bank of river Thames.
Ans (i)
- The poet enhances London by using-
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(i) details in architecture
(ii) references to royalty
(iii) highlights of the city
(iv) superlatives.
Ans (iv)
- The mood in the poem is-
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(1) tragic
(ii) comic
(iii) nostalgic
(iv) tranquil.
Ans (iv)
- The poem is a description of-
(i) the city of London
(ii) the English countryside
(iii) the open sky and stars
(iv) God.
Ans (i)
- Identify the simile-
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(i) Earth has nothing to show that is fairer.
(ii) The air is bright and glittering.
(iii) The city wears the beauty of the morning like a garment.
(iv) The sun steeps the city in its splendour.
Ans (iii)
- How does the poet refer to the sun and the river?
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(i) as elements of Nature
(ii) as phenomena
(iii) as animate beings
(iv) as gods.
Ans (i)
- What feature of Romantic poetry do we see here?
[WBCHSE (XI) Sample Question]
(i) celebration of Nature
(ii) celebration of city as natural landscape
(iii) celebration of man
(iv) celebration of the homeland.
Ans (ii)
- Where is the Westminster Bridge situated-
(i) over the river Thames
(ii) over the river Ganges
(iii) the river Nile
(iv) none of these.
Ans (i)

Written by Koushik Kumar Kundu
Koushik Kumar Kundu was among the toppers when he completed his Masters from Vidyasagar University after completing his Bachelors degree with Honours in English Literature from The University of Burdwan. He also completed B.Ed from the University of Burdwan.
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