“On Killing a Tree” by Gieve Patel (L.A.Q) Long Questions and Answers, Class XII, WBCHSE
Here we discussed some important questions and answers from Gieve Patel‘s poem “On Killing a Tree.”
On Killing a Tree LAQ

On Killing a Tree Long Questions and Answers
(1) Substance of the poem “On killing a Tree”. [6]
Gieve Patel in the poem “On killing a tree” tells us how to kill a tree. The process is not so easy. A simple jab of a knife cannot kill it. It takes time and effort to kill a tree. A tree has grown over the years by consuming the nutrients and absorbing the sun, air and water. After hacking and chopping if the tree is left, the bark will heal and green twigs will again appear from close to the ground. Gradually it will turn into a full grown tree like before. So, to kill a tree, it must be uprooted. They have to be scorched and chocked in the sun and air untill it becomes brown, hard, twisted and dry. Then a tree will die completely.
(2) “It takes much time to kill a tree” – Why does it take much time to kill a tree? How is the tree finally killed? [3+3] [H.S. 2015, 2018, 2023]
Ans. A tree has grown slowly by consuming the nutrients and minerals from the earth. It has also been absorbing sunlight, air, and water for years. It is deep-rooted. It can heal its bleeding bark. It can survive against any outside attack. So, it takes much time to kill a tree.
It takes much time and effort to kill a tree. A tree cannot be killed by a simple jab of knife, hacking, and chopping. To kill a tree, the roots have to be pulled out. They have to be scorched and chocked in the sun and air untill it becomes brown, hard, twisted and dry. Then, the tree will die completely.
(3) How does a tree grow? [6]
OR, Describe in detail the groath of a tree, as described in the first stanza of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’? [6]
Ans. in the first stanza of yhe poem, ‘On Killing aTree’, Gieve Patel describes the growth of a tree. The poet stated that a tree grows slowly by consuming the nutrients from the earth’s crust. It also absorbs sunlight, air and water over the years. These help the tree to produce food. Then the food reaches all parts of the tree and the tree grows. Thus, a tree grows gradually by taking the nutrients from the earth and the atmosphere.
(4) How does the poet describe the growth of a tree over the years? What are the different steps taken for killing a tree? [4+2] [H.S. 2019]
Ans. The poet Gieve Patel in ‘On Killing a Tree’ describes the growth of a tree. He stated that a tree grows slowly by consuming the nutrients and minerals from the earth’s crust. It absorbs sunlight, air and water over the years. These help the tree to produce food. Thus, a tree gradually grows by taking the nutrients from the earth and the atmosphere.
To kill a tree, the roots have to be pulled out. They have to be scorched and chocked in the sun and air untill it becomes brown, hard, twisted and dry. Then, the tree will die completely.
(5) How does a tree offer resistance to its destruction? How does its resistance fail? [3+3] [H.S. 2017]
Ans. It is very difficult to kill a tree with a simple jab of knife. Hacking and chopping can only give pain and the bark will bleed. It will gradually heal itself. After sometimes, curled green twigs and branches will appear from the stem. If it is unchecked, it will get back its former shape and size again. Thus, a tree offers great resistance to its destruction.
The resistance of a tree fails when the roots are uprooted entirely from the earth. Roots are the source of all strength. When they are scorched and chocked in the sun, they becomes brown, hard, twisted and dry. Then, the tree dies completely.
(6) Justify the title of the poem ‘On Killing A Tree’. [6] [H.S. 2016]
Ans. The title of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ is justified by the content of the poem itself. The poet, Gieve Patel, explores the complex and often destructive relationship between human beings and nature. The poem depicts the process of killing a tree as a violent act that requires time, effort, and determination.
The poet describes the tree as a symbol of life. The title of the poem reflects this violence and suggests that the process of killing a tree is not a simple or easy one. It takes time, effort, and patience to kill a tree, and the consequences of doing so can be far-reaching. The title is ironic to mankind in the sense of man’s foolishness and recklessness. The poet wants to convey a message through the poem to his readers to be sympathetic to nature.
(7) “And then it is done.” – What is being referred to here? How is it done? On what tone does the poem end? [1+2+2] [H.S. 2020]
Ans. The violent act of killing a tree is referred to here by the quoted line.
It is done by uprooting the tree entirely from the earth cave with rope. Roots are the source of all strength. They have to be scorched and chocked in the sun and air untill it becomes brown, hard, twisted and dry. Then, the tree is killed completely.
The poem ends in an ironic tone. It depicts the tragic demise of a tree caused by the cruelty and greed of man. The tree represents nature, and its destruction demonstrates the absolute foolishness of man in killing himself.
(8) “Not so much pain will do it”- Why does the poet say this?
The quoted line suggests the difficulty to kill a tree. Man tries a lot to give pain to a tree. But tree remains silent against the cruelty of man. A simple jab of knife cannot kill a tree. Even hacking and chopping can do nothing to kill a tree. The tree bears the pain and sufferings silently. The bark of the tree will heal itself and again green twig will appear from the close to ground. Thus, gradually it will get back its former shape and size again. So the poet makes this satirical remark.
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Written by Koushik Kumar Kundu
Koushik Kumar Kundu was among the toppers when he completed his Masters from Vidyasagar University after completing his Bachelors degree with Honours in English Literature from The University of Burdwan. He also completed B.Ed from the University of Burdwan.
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