Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper about the irregular clearance of garbage in your locality. (Editorial…
Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper about taking selfie at risky zone. (Editorial Letter Format) Editorial…
Write a Letter to the Editor of an English Newspaper about Bad Condition of Hospital in Your Locality. (Editorial letter…
Write a Letter to the Editor of an English Newspaper about Bad Condition of Roads in your locality. (Editorial Letter…
Important Letter Writing for Madhyamik, HS, and even for any competitive exams. I have provided a sample. You should write…
Write a Letter to the Editor of an English Newspaper about the Price Rise of Essential Commodities. (Editorial Letter Format)…
Value of Time Paragraph • Value of Time Essay Paragraph Writing: Here 4 samples on “Value of Time” paragraph/essay are…
Paragraph on Friendship & Essay on Friendship Friendship Paragraph (Sample 1) Friendship is one of the most important and meaningful…
Science in Daily Life Paragraph | Science in Everyday Life Paragraph | Science in Daily Life Essay | Science in…
Here paragraph on Importance or Benifits of Reading Newspaper is provided below. There are four types of samples in this…